Take a listen to Michael Grasso as he recalls the history of the Roberson Museum.
One day, a client asked us if we could do something to help an organization that was important to her. So, we got together with the client and the organization’s Executive Director and listened to their story. The organization was trying to do something amazing for the betterment of the community and our client was wondering if S.E.E.D. and/or any of our other clients would be interested in financially supporting the project. We listened intently and promised to follow up with any ideas we might have.
We believe our growth comes from the commonalities our employees and clients share. Commonalities like passion about something other than money, such as their family, health, travel, community, certain social causes, faith, and so on. Money is important, but it is just a tool. When well-stewarded, money can enhance an individual’s or family’s passions. When abused, it can cause fighting and a sense of lost values.
Likewise, we feel the same about donations. Any organization receiving a donation is receiving something that could have otherwise gone towards some other cause. Therefore, it is important to cherish those organizations and leaders who exemplify great stewardship of any fortune, financial or otherwise, that comes their way.
As many of our clients have witnessed, over the years, we have been blessed with a lot of growth. Growth is not always easy, but for us, its foundation stems from the desire to continually improve and do better. We promise to keep working on everything we do to get better than we were yesterday. Growth can also be wonderful. It gives us lots of opportunities and resources that can be used to get better. It also gives us the ability to share; to help lift up those around us. To be a leader in our community and to help others shine brighter.
As our clients, you are akin to shareholders. You are deeply invested in and benefited by our collective and continual improvement. We also want you to be proud of S.E.E.D. as an organization and your affiliation with us.
We want you to know that you are a part of not just the services you engage us for, but of the collective good that we can do for others. Every dollar we make comes from a client. Every effort we make to help our community is made possible by our clients. It is because of you that we are able to help others.
Back to our story about our client’s request and our intention to follow up with our ideas. We have been working diligently for the past four years to build a platform for delivering content to people that we believe will help them get more out of their money and life. We also have many wonderful clients who work with us every year to craft charitable gifting plans, many of which always seem to be open to worthy causes. We decided to put these two assets together.
But not just the story of what has been; also, the story of what is and what can be. We want to paint a picture for our clients of the incredible value the Roberson Museum is to the community and what it will take to ensure this treasure endures for decades to come, and how our clients can help. We want to celebrate the leadership of the incredibly talented Michael Grasso, who didn’t have to, but has nonetheless decided to call the Southern Tier of New York home and has committed himself to stewarding this fiber of the community.
We are very excited to tell the Roberson Museum story and paint a picture of why we should all care about this organization for our clients over the next 12 months. As for this idea, we hope that our clients will be proud to be a part of helping this organization and we hope this idea becomes more than just 2025’s project to help the Roberson Museum in Binghamton, NY. We want to ask you to help us make this project a success, as well as a recurring project for the organizations that matter to you, our clients, in each of our communities on an annual basis.
Throughout 2025 we are going to embark on a journey starting with recognizing Michael Grasso’s extraordinary leadership and passion and the Roberson Museum’s history and what its future could be with our collective help.
This will be followed by the presentation of engaging discussions with other community leaders about the importance of the Roberson Museum and this project to the community.
We’ll wrap up the year with a special thank you to all of you who have helped Michael and the Roberson Museum to make this vision a reality, while giving the people of the greater Binghamton region a new inspiration and reason to be proud!
Please reach out to your Financial Planner, Investment Planner, or Wealth Manager directly and let them know you are interested. They can assist you in making sure your tax situation is considered and that you are personally getting the tax benefits that you deserve when donating, as well as with other things such as assessing what you can afford, if there is optimal timing for your situation, deciding which account to donate from, and processing any donations.
You can certainly go directly to the Roberson Museum to make a donation. If you do, we ask that you let us know so we can understand the total impact from S.E.E.D. clients. This will help us better understand how to design future programs.
If you are unsure and would like more information about the Roberson Museum, Michael Grasso would love to meet you and even give tours and further discuss the project and special opportunities for potential donors. You can reach him directly at mgrasso@roberson.org email and phone (607)-772-0660 or you can let any of our staff know, and we will assist in coordinating an introduction for you.
Feel free to introduce this page with your own personal network. Your friends, family, colleagues, and anyone else you think might be interested, can connect with Michael Grasso for more information by emailing him at mgrasso@roberson.org or calling (607)-772-0660 or gift directly via following this link.
Of course, if anyone that you know needs or wants our assistance to decide how, when, or what they can afford to give, they can contact us HERE. We also would love to track the contributions that any of your introductions make to the Roberson Museum that are inspired by this effort. To do so, we kindly ask that they either email us at scampbell@seedpg.com to let us know or let the Roberson Museum know that they heard about the opportunity through S.E.E.D..
Take a listen to Michael Grasso as he recalls the history of the Roberson Museum.
The Roberson Museum has more to offer the community than just artifacts and exhibits. Check out this video to find out more!
A tradition almost as old as the Roberson Mansion itself. Home for the Holidays is a community staple!
Follow the story of how Roberson's Executive Director, Michael Grasso won over the community and took a huge leap as the leader of the Roberson Museum!